Video Components
OKO Web Client 2.24.1 - CSP 4.19.0 | Version 1.0.0 (117785) - CSP 4.18.0 - UE 5.1
Instructions for Web
Select “Video” under the Components List.
The Video Component will appear under the Entity in the Properties Menu. Additional settings will also be available.
Transforms – these can move, rotate, or scale the Video Component relative to the parent Entity.
Enabled Checkbox – here you can enable or disable the video.
Visible in AR checkbox – by ticking “Visible in AR” the Video Component will appear in AR mode.
Asset – if you have previously uploaded an mp4 video to your Asset Library, you can assign it to the Component by selecting “Asset” and then using the dropdown to select the file.
URL – optionally, instead of uploading a video asset, you can assign the URL of an online video source that you would like to play. OKO does not currently support YouTube or Vimeo URL sources.
Playing Options – from here you can set the playback state of your video.
Playing – the video will start playing. If the state was previously paused, the video will continue from where it was paused. If it was previously in the reset state, the video will start playing from the beginning.
Pause – video playback will be paused at the current timeline position.
Reset – the video is returned to the beginning of the timeline and playback is paused.
Set the video to loop continuously – here you can set your video to loop.
Range – this slider controls the range for spatial audio playback. Audio will only be heard when you are within this range of the Component.
Instructions for the OKO Plugin
Video Components can also be added to a space using the OKO Unreal Plugin.
To add the Video Component using the OKO Plugin, all you have to do is search for the Component.
When the Video Component is added, you will see a settings menu where you can edit your video preferences. You can add a mp4 file or a URL of a video hosted elsewhere. OKO does not currently support YouTube or Vimeo URL sources.
That’s it for Video Components!