Reflection capture workflow
Version 1.0.0 (117785) - CSP 4.18.0 - UE 5.1
This article will guide you through a Reflection Capture workflow that uses Scene Capture Cubes. Alternatively, you can follow this guide, which demonstrates how to create an Entity with OKO Reflection Component directly.
Reflection Captures are an important part of creating a level in OKO that supports materials that have the appearance of being reflective. By creating a Reflection Capture from a corresponding level in Unreal, the visual fidelity of the reflective appearance of materials in an OKO space is increased, compared to using a generic Reflection Capture.
The Unreal documentation states that “Scene Capture Cubes capture a fully dynamic cube map from their location…This requires a Cubemap Render Target to actually capture to, and then that Render Target can be used as a texture within any Material.”
The Cubemap generated by using this Scene Capture Cube workflow can be used for reflections or 360 screenshots in general.
In the Place Actors Tab, look for “Scene Capture Cube”.
Drag and drop the Scene Capture Cube into the level.
Create a Cube Render Target for the Scene Capture Cube.
Save Cube Render Target.
Double-click Cube Render Target.
This is what your Cube Render Target currently looks like.
Set “Compression Settings” to HDR.
Set “size” to 2048 (or whatever resolution is best for your project).
Create Static Texture.
Here’s the created Static Texture.
Rename the Static Texture to something that better conveys its purpose. Here we have called it “Reflection”.
Right-click to access the menu, and then perform Asset Actions → Export.
Save it as HDR if you want to use it in another OKO space or load it into OKO Web.
Search for “Reflection” in Place Actors.
Drag and drop the Box Reflection Capture into the 3D scene.
Set the scale of the Box Reflection Capture as needed.
Set the Reflection Source Type to “Specified Cubemap” and choose the Cubemap called “Reflection” that we created earlier.
Log into OKO.
Enter a space.
Right-click on “BoxReflectionCapture” and select “Add Actor(s) to OKO Space”.
Click on “Convert” to Convert to an OKO Space Entity.
Observe that the “BoxReflectionCapture” now exists as an “OKOSpaceEntity”.