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Reflection component

Version 1.0.0 (117785) - CSP 4.18.0 - UE 5.1


Enter the space in OKO Editor Extensions

Add a new Unreal Box or Sphere Reflection Capture to the space (if there is not one already in the scene).


In the Outliner, right-click on the Reflection Capture, select “Add Actor(s) to OKO space” and then “Convert”.

image (5).png

This will create a new OKO actor with an OKO Reflection Component.

image (6).png

Make sure assets/lights in the scene that you want to include in the reflections HDRI are set to “static”. Please note that at the moment, all OKO assets loaded in a space are movable by default, so they need to be changed manually if you want them to be included in the reflection.

Build reflections by going to Build->Build Reflection Captures

image (7).png

 Click on the “update reflection capture” button in the OKO Reflection Component details panel. This will get the Unreal reflections, generate an HDRI, and send that to the Cloud Services so that all clients can use it.

image (8).png

Now you can exit the OKO space and the next time you enter it, the HDRI will automatically be downloaded and applied to our Sphere/Box Reflection Capture (which will automatically be set to use “Specified Cubemap”). 

After completing these steps, if you want to re-build reflections again, please remember to first go to the Reflection Capture actor detail panel and make sure its reflection source type is set back to “Capture Scene”. Then you can repeat the process highlighted above from step 5.

image (9).png

OKO Reflection component properties

Once an OKO Reflection Component has been added to the space, the following OKO Reflection Component properties can be customized (and they will be replicated on all clients):

  • Reflection Shape can be Unit Sphere, Unit Box, or Undefined. This is useful to switch between Box and Sphere Reflection Captures.

  • Changing the OKO Reflection Component Scale will change the capture scale. Specifically, in the case of a Sphere Reflection Capture, the X value of the Scale is used as radius.

Known issues

If you are working in an existing Unreal level, enter an OKO space and convert an existing Unreal Reflection Capture actor into OKO. Once you exit the space, the Unreal Reflection Capture actor will be destroyed, leaving the original Unreal level without Reflection Capture. Once you re-enter the OKO space, the capture will reappear.

We are currently working on a new feature that will correct this behaviour. But for now, it’s highly recommended to create copies of existing Unreal levels/reflection captures and work with those when trying to import them into OKO.

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