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Adding components to an entity

OKO Web Client 2.24.1 - CSP 4.19.0

This guide will help you understand the steps to adding a Component to an Entity.

Instructions for OKO Web

There are multiple methods to add a Component to your space.

  • You can create an empty Entity and add a Component to it. 

  • You can add a Component to an existing Entity in the space. 

Adding a component to an empty Entity

In this example, we will add a Light Component to an empty Entity and position it over the statue in the space. 

To create an empty Entity, first select the hierarchy icon on the top left to open the menu. 

Select the circular icon next to the search bar and then select “New Entity”.

Selecting New Entity creates an empty Entity in the 3D viewport and opens the Properties Panel on the right side. An empty new Entity gets added to the hierarchy list. 

Select the + icon next to New Entity in the Properties Panel. A list of all the available entities will appear. We’ll select the “Light” component for this example. 

Notice that a Point Light Component gets added to the new Entity. An icon representing the point light appears in the 3D Viewport and the Property Panel is now populated with a variety of options for that Light Component. 

You can now adjust the parameters for this Component and move it around to position it anywhere in your scene, as shown in the image below.

Adding a component to an existing entity

To add a Component to an existing Entity, select the Entity (the statue in this example) and select the + icon next to the Entity name in the Properties Panel. 

In this case, we will add a Collider Component. To do that, select the Collider option from the list. 

Notice that a Collision Component is added under the selected entity of the statue and a collision box appears around the statue. 

Since the Collision Component and the Static Model Component are linked to the Entity, they will move with the entity when you attempt to move it.

Instructions for OKO Unreal Editor Extensions Plugin

We’ll start by adding an empty Actor to the space. To do this, find the upper ribbon and select “Quickly add to the project.”→ “Basics” →”Actors”.


Now the Actor will appear in the viewport. 


Next, convert it to an OKO Entity by right-clicking the Actor and selecting “Add Actor(s) to OKO Space”.


You’ll now have an OKO Entity in the space. 


To add a Component to that Entity, select the Entity and click on the “+ Add” button in the Details panel on the right.


Search for the Component you want to add. All OKO Components are prefixed, for example “OKO Image Component”.

If adding an Image Component, you’ll need to upload an image file.


Upload your file and your image will appear in the space. From there you can edit your component preferences in the Properties Menu.

That’s it for adding a Component! 

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