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OKO 2024.13


Version 2.45.2

Space Templates

Space templates are now available on the web client. When an editor creates a new space, they can select one of several pre-defined templates which they can then add to to make their own. Future iterations will include supporting interoperability on Unity and Unreal.

When setting up a space, the editor can enter the scene section:

They can then select the template section and then their desired space template from the OKO preset space templates:

Then when the editor creates the space, their desired template will be applied to the space for them to modify or add content to:

When setting up a space, you can also toggle a space to become available as a template in the future:


  • Fixed the range slide for the focus light.

  • Assets markers are no longer obstructed by the MagOffice site model’s roof.

  • Creators can no longer deselect both the spawn and navigate point options.


Version 1.14.0 Build


Unity now supports hotspots for viewers. Editors using the Web or Unreal clients can define key areas in the space so viewers can teleport directly to them.

Hotspots can have one, or both of, the following functions assigned to them:

  • Spawn point: where users will enter the space.

  • Teleport point: where users can quickly travel.

If a space has multiple potential spawn points, a viewer can select one before entering the space. They will appear at that spot in the space. If there is only one spawn point defined, the user will be loaded into the space at that location without seeing this menu.

Within a space, a viewer can see a list of available hotspots via the bottom menu.

The hotspots can be seen in groups or individually.

Clicking on any hotspot will bring the user to the pre-defined location in space.    

Anchor Management

Aligning physical and digital worlds is easier than ever. OKO editors can turn any asset into a Google Cloud Anchor just by selecting it.

Transparency, planes, point cloud, and occlusion toggles help the user to position digital assets exactly on their digital counterpoint.


Users will also get real-time feedback about the accuracy and quality of their anchor before proceeding.

 They can also create more anchors without exiting the anchor creation flow.

All cloud anchors in a space can be seen from the bottom menu.


  Users can also initialize the anchoring flow when they create a room scan. 

Password Visibility Toggle

Users can view what they are typing in the password field when logging in by clicking on the eye icon in the text field.


  • Deleting an asset from the asset panel no longer removes all instances from the space.

  • Inconsistent error no longer occurs when attempting to resolve or host an anchor.

  • AR clipping planes are now set at 250 meters.

  • The grid is now fixed and appears when moving an entity in space.

  • The anchor ID now matches the ID shown in the resolve complete notification.


Version 161785


As part of the initiative to introduce hotspots across all clients, Unreal has implemented a new hotspot component, where any given hotspot will have at least one of the following functionalities;

  • Spawn point: where users can enter the space.

  • Teleport point: where users can quickly travel.

A refactor of the teleport system was completed in order to support the authoring and testing of hotspots marked as teleport points, ensuring that selecting a hotspot from the editor details panel will teleport the user and move the camera to reflect the hotspot settings.

In order to support the creation and management of hotspot groups which allows editors to create sorted lists for any combination of already created hotspots, an OKO sequence system has been created to wrap the CSP sequence system.

[Video Link]

Note: There is a known issue around not being able to create hotspot groups in Unreal.


  • Fixed the default avatar issue in the Unreal client.

  • Empty spaces entities added via Unreal now populate instantly on the other clients.

  • Users can now update the space name & description without editing other space details.

  • Long display names are no longer cut off on either side when viewed in the Unreal client.

Connected Spaces Platform

Version 5.5.1

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Camera Component

CSP now allows applications to create CinematicCameraComponent components that belong to entities. 

The component allows applications to reason about cameras in the space (other than the implicitly defined local user’s camera), control their placement, pre-visualize shots at different aspect ratios, sensor sizes, focal lengths, ISO sensitivities, and more!

Entity Hierarchy

When an entity is deleted, if the entity had child entities attached, those children will now be reparented correctly, either to the parent of the entity being deleted, or the root if no parent exists. The API that previously allowed the application to also consider sorting hierarchies has been removed.


The SpaceSystem API now allows the application to specify tags that should be associated with the space upon creation.


Hotspot components now track their additions/updates/removals in all groups that the hotspot is associated with. Any changes made to hotspot groups are also now telegraphed to all connected client applications by the multiplayer event HotspotSequenceChangedCallback. Hotspot names can now also include spaces in their names.

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