OKO 2024.11
Release Scope: Web, Unity iOS, Unreal, CSP, and CHS.
Version 2.39.3
UI Improvements
Transforms & Property Editing:
Editors now have the ability to link and unlink the scale transforms in the UI, meaning that when linked any changes made to the X, Y or Z values will also change the others to the same value.
The minimum value for the scale transform has also been adjusted to allow for a minimum value of 0.00001.
When multi-selecting objects in the space, the property panel displays a set of property editors that are common among all selections.
Where the values for the properties differ this is indicated on the input component (think x, y, z values for position, rotation, etc.), and the value for the lead selection is presented.
The name of the lead selection is shown along with a multi-selection indication in the title.
Multi-input fields only update the single value on each of the selections, not the complete value, for example with x, y, and z, changing x will only affect x on each of the selections and not update x, y, and z to all be the same value.
The asset panel has been extracted from the left side panel and now features in the bottom left-hand corner in its minimized state. When selected it expands across the width of the bottom of the screen.
Editors and viewers have the ability to enter and exit a full-screen mode via a button in the central UI or by pressing F11 (or the native browser command equivalent ). Viewers also have the added functionality of being able to hide and unhide the UI panels.
Play Canvas Migration:
Following the release of PlayCanvas 2.0, the Web client has migrated to the new version in order to make the most out of improvements to stability for the more advanced PlayCanvas features such as webgpu, render pass, etc.
Additional Updates:
Updated the download link for the Unreal Plugin.
Users now receive error messages when a fiducial marker image is not trackable.
Support was added for capturing Gaussian Splats in reflection probes.
Fixed the fog component issue.
The grid now appears in the void space.
PlayCanvas 2.0 lighting is no longer missing on objects after they are selected.
Toggling on E-Commerce in a space setting and saving the change no longer results in a space visibility error.
Version 1.14.0 Build
iOS system life cycles moved to iOS SKU.
Added runtime platform checks.
Refactored the avatar system.
Separated login systems from composition root.
CSP to 5.1.0, Foundation to 2.1.1.
Fixed overlapping text in anchor authoring failure UI.
The Cloud Anchor UI is now no longer visible to viewers.
When entering and exiting a space, the editor will no longer lock and prevent developers from entering.
If a user exited and immediately re-entered a space, the in-space “kebab” menu to modify assets would be unresponsive. This is now resolved.
The in-space “kebab” menu to modify assets remained accessible when a user was in the Gaussian Splat tint editor. The kebab and the tint editor UI are now mutually exclusive.
The Unity app now correctly distinguishes between two visibility modes for audio and video files in the Web client:
If the “eye” icon is disabled, the Unity app will hide the asset visually but continue playing the audio.
If “enabled” is deselected, both audio and visuals will be disabled, and nothing will play or be displayed.
This resolves the previous issue where the Unity app treated both settings the same.
Version 152658
Upgrade to UE 5.3
We have officially upgraded OKO to UE 5.3.
Drag and Drop Support
Video player components can now be dragged and dropped into the space.
In addition, we have implemented user feedback that is consistent with the standard Unreal workflows in order to prevent confusion when using drag and drop for asset collections.
If a user attempts to drag an asset collection of a compatible type then the components property highlights blue
If a user attempts to drag an asset collection of an incompatible type then the components property highlights red
Fixed the issue where Gaussian Splats, images, and audio added from Unreal did not appear on the Web client.
Textures are no longer half-showing.
Unreal Editor no longer crashes when connecting to a space with VisionOS.
Connected Spaces Platform 5.1.0
Find us on GitHub and npmjs for Unity and Web packages.
Entity Hierarchies
As of this release, CSP now fully supports parent-child relationships between entities, allowing client applications to reason about hierarchies of entities.
Entities can describe their parent via API exposed on the entity object itself, passing in the unique ID of the parent they wish to associate it with.
Global Transform API
Now that entities may be associated with a parent entity, their transforms may be local to their parent entity. To help developers continue to reason about what an entity’s global transform is, regardless of its parentage, entities now include an API for querying its global transform, where it will recursively concatenate its transform with its parent, up to the root entity in the hierarchy.
Sequences Systems
The sequences system allows client applications to reason about ordered lists of things interoperably with other client applications. For example, it is used by CSP itself to reason about ordered groups of hotspots.
Changes have been made to the sequences system to give more flexibility to client applications when it comes to the naming of sequences, and special characters may now be used for sequence names.
Space Duplication
The space system API in CSP now exposes functionality that allows the client application to invoke the duplication of a space. The duplication can either be performed synchronously (where the callback provided to the function will only be executed once the services have completed the duplication) or asynchronously (where the callback will be fired as soon as the server acknowledges the invocation).
Fixed an Android compilation failure when logging errors related to entity hierarchies.
Fixed a crash for applications using CSP as a DLL due to a global string initialization issue.
CSP no longer crashes when used as a shared library with C++ apps built on M1 Macs.
Cloud Hosted Services
This is a summary of the client-facing features available in this release. For a complete list of changes, please seeGitHub.
Sequence System
You can now search sequences for a particular ID.
Google Cloud Anchors
We have added an endpoint at the external proxy service to retrieve tokens from Google Cloud Anchor management.
Updated space replication to support different tenants.
Fixed the invalid error code when inviting a user to a group who is already a member.
The black screen no longer hangs in Unity when attempting to enter a space.
Users can now join a space when the camera and microphone are disabled in the computer settings.
Spaces in GraphQL query on oDev no longer cause 414 URLs.