Mapview mode
OKO Web Client 2.24.1 - CSP 4.19.0
This article will guide you through the fundamentals of Mapview mode.
The Mapview mode allows you to view a top down perspective of your space. If that space is geolocated then that top down view can be positioned on a map at the correct location. To create a geolocated space please refer to Creating and managing spaces
Mapview mode
To enter Mapview, you can either press “M” on the keyboard or select “Enter Site Map” on the central toolbar as shown below.

If the space is geolocated then the “Show Map as Terrain” option will be available in the central toolbar, as shown below.

Enabling this option will show your geolocated space on the map.
To navigate the map you can either use the RMB to pan your view, or use the following commands.
Shift + Q | Down |
Shift + E | Up |
Shift + A | Left |
Shift + D | Right |
Please note that if zoomed out then navigation around the map can be slow.
To zoom in and out, use the “+” and “-” buttons on the bottom right corner.
On the left sidebar, you will see “Assets”. This panel shows all of the assets in your space.
If you zoom in, you will be able to see your assets from a bird’s eye view.
Next, there is a section where you can see all the comments left by collaborators.
Lastly, you can search for all other components added to the space, such as lights, e-commerce, triggers, and many more.
You can also search for a specific component using the search bar.
Additionally, users can search for geolocated space from their home page. In the upper right corner, you will see a map icon.
Click on the icon to open Map View.
From here users can navigate the map and search for geolocated spaces in your area. You can search by the name of the space.
Search by clicking on the “Search Spaces in This Area.” This will show you all the spaces nearby.
Or even by sorting the spaces by A-Z, Z-A, and Distance.
You can zoom in to see current traffic, and by selecting the icon in the map or the space from the list, additional details about the same will be displayed.