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External Link Components

OKO Web Client 2.24.1 - CSP 4.19.0 | Version 1.0.0 (117785) - CSP 4.18.0 - UE 5.1

This guide will assist you in adding an External Link Component to an Entity.

Instructions for OKO Web

With an Entity selected, select “External Link” from the Component List.

The External Link Component will appear under the Entity in the Properties Menu. You will also see the settings for it.

The transforms can be used to place the External Link Component anywhere in the space relative to the parent Entity.

There are additional settings you can edit when adding external links:

  • Enabled checkbox – check this box on or off depending on whether you want your External Link Component to be active or inactive.

  • Visible in AR checkbox – you can decide if the External Link Component will appear in AR by checking on or off “Visible in AR”. 

  • Label box – rather than display the external link URL to the user you can specify a label to display instead. This is the text the user will see displayed in your space. 

  • URL box – add the external link by specifying a URL here.

Once your space is live, users in the space will be able to click the external link, which will display the following pop-up to the user.

Click “Open” to visit the external link in a new window.

Instructions for the OKO Unreal Editor Extension Plugin

External Link Components can also be added to a space using the OKO Unreal Plugin.

To add an External Link Component using the OKO Plugin, all you need to do is search for the Component as shown below.

Once added, you will see a settings menu where you can edit its properties.

That’s it for External Link Components.

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