Audio Components
OKO Web Client 2.24.1 - CSP 4.19.0 | Version 1.0.0 (117785) - CSP 4.18.0 - UE 5.1
This guide will assist you in adding an Audio Component to an Entity in OKO Web and the OKO Unreal Editor Extension Plugin.
Instructions for OKO Web
Select the Entity and then the Audio Component from the list of properties.
Once selected, the Audio Component will appear under the Entity in the Properties Panel.
Now, let's look at all the properties available for the Audio Component.
Position – this allows you to place the Audio Component anywhere in the space relative to its parent Entity. You can enter X,Y,Z coordinates from the Properties Panel or use the gizmo to place the Audio Component.
Enabled checkbox – you can mute/unmute the Audio Component without deleting it by ticking the “Enabled” checkbox.
Asset – in the assets dropdown, you can select the audio file you want associated with this Component from your Asset Library. If you have not yet uploaded your audio asset, you will need to do that first via the Assets Panel. Please note that only .mp3 files are supported.
Loop Playback – you can set your audio to loop by ticking the checkbox. Otherwise, your audio will only play once.
Play State – this allows you to select the initial state of the audio when a user enters a space.
Reset – the audio file is paused at the beginning of the timeline.
Paused – the audio file is paused in the timeline at the point the user switched to the paused state.
Playing – the audio file is currently playing (if this is from a paused state, audio will continue from where it was paused. If this is from a reset state, audio will start from the beginning).
Volume – adjust the audio volume by using the volume slider.
Audio Type – you can decide if the audio for the Entity is going to be spatial or background.
Spatial audio will only be audible within its defined bounds and will get louder as you approach.
Background audio will play at a constant volume regardless of your location in the space relative to the audio component.
Range – if your audio is set to spatial, then this allows you to set the physical radius within which the audio will play.
Instructions for OKO Unreal Editor Extension Plugin
Audio Components can also be added using the OKO Unreal Plugin.
To add an Audio Component to an Entity using the OKO Plugin, all you need to do is open the Properties Bar in Unreal with your Entity selected. There you will see the “Add +” button. Select it and you will be able to search for OKO audio.
Once selected, you can adjust the properties of the Audio Component in a space and have those changes reflected across all platforms.
That’s how you add the Audio Component to an Entity in a space.