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Adding an E-Commerce Component in OKO using the Unreal Plugin

Version 1.0.0 (144442) - CSP 4.29.1 - UE 5.2

This guide will help you understand how to add an e-commerce component in OKO using the OKO Unreal Engine Plugin.

E-Commerce functionality can only be initially set up on OKO Web before assigning product ID’s in a space. You can add product ID’s via both OKO Web and using the OKO Unreal Plugin once setup is complete.


We’ll start by selecting an asset in a space. For the sake of this tutorial, we will consider this asset the item we want customers to be able to buy.

In the details panel of the asset, click the “+ Add” button.

Add an “ECommerce” Component by searching for it.

Select the “OKOECommerceSpace” Component that will populate in the details panel. Navigate to “OKO” → “Components” →  “Ecommerce” → “Product ID”. In the text field, paste your product ID, and press “Enter” to confirm the changes.

The E-Commerce Component may need to be moved so it’s visible, as it spawns at the origin of your space’s object. Use the Unreal transform tools to move it to a more visible location.

That's how to add E-Commerce using the OKO Unreal Plugin.

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